Danlok - Have you been rejected before? One day, in my early years in business, I was ridiculed by a prospect on a sales call. He said I have an accent, and that l have multiple grammatical errors in my speech. That he didn'ttrust me and told me that I didn't know anything before hanging up the phone on me I was already very insecure with English as my second language. I felt embarrassed and humiliated. I asked myself, why did the he treat me like that? Why did he attack me so personally, when all I was trying to do was make a living and support my mom.. That was the first time in my life that I got rejected And then I made a decision, that I never want to be treated like that again. That I am going to work on my english... And I am going to work on my confidence... and I am going to work every single damn day, on my tone Until someday that these guys will pay to hear me speak.. that these guys will pay to have me solve their problems... and these guys will pay to listen to what I have to offe.. You see rejection taught me one of the biggest business lessons in my career. Because of that one rejection, and that one damn prospect, I have achieved wealth beyond my imagination. I have enough of everything and don't need anything from anyone. I can support my loving wife and mother..I can help my team who is like family to me... and  can impact thousands of people every day... And maybe am also affecting YOU today Maybe you were rejected in a relationship...or maybe it was a business opportunity... or maybe it was from your parents growing up, and you never felt happy... Whatever form of rejection it may be, it sucks! I know what il's like, and how it makes you feel. But you can now see what rejection can possibly do for you, just like what it did for me Without that one rejection, I wouldn't be who I am today. Nothing I have now would exist So the next time you get a rejection, remember what it could do for you. And How it shapes who you are, and who you can be Now, if you are going to accept rejection as I did, and maybe someday share your story with me, I want you to comment below and say "NOTHING WILL BRING ME DOWN
